Wednesday, 24 July 2013

So I've decided to start writing a blog...

My name is Jamie, and I usually study Law back home at the University of Glasgow, however this year I'll be living and studying in the wonderful city of Sydney, in Australia!

I've decided to start writing a blog for a few reasons: primarily in order for me to have some kind of written record of my time here that I can look back on; secondly, I've always liked the idea of having some kind of blog, but didn't really feel like I had anything to say about anything in particular previously; and finally, in the hope that someone might read this and enjoy it! For anyone who doesn't really fancy reading it, then kudos to you for getting this far already, and you'll find some photographs attached at the bottom!

The blog is called "Rusty Down Under" for the simple reason that "Jamie Down Under" wasn't available and I'm hoping that the simple spelling will mean nobody will have any difficulty trying to find the web address. Fingers crossed! If anyone's wondering why 'Rusty' was the next best option, it's a nickname that was started by my mate when we were playing for the same football team around the age of 14 or 15 and it's stuck ever since.

It's now Wednesday, 24th July and I've been in Sydney since the 19th. When I arrived off my flight at 7am that morning, the first thing I did was head straight for McDonalds and got myself a coffee and some food. I considered copious amounts of caffeine was the best way to effectively tackle the issue of jet lag in the first few days - a sure fire plan which was destined to work perfectly, I thought. Instead, I found myself falling asleep on my hostel bed around 5pm that night, only to waken again at what must have been 4am the following morning wide eyed and alert without a hope of getting some more kip. Disaster. This routine largely continued for the first three days in total, with my sleep pattern gradually returning to some kind of normality. It should be noted by all those of a globe trotting disposition that no amount of caffeine or will-power in the world can effectively fight off the symptoms of 21 hours of flying.

Monday the 22nd of July marked my first day at my new university; home of lectures, tutorials and exams for the next twelve months or so. A quick mention should be made here for the first of the family birthday's that I miss when I'm away - mum's on Sunday the 21st, the day before I began uni. Luckily my sister, Kerry, and I had organised present shopping amongst the frantic final few days before I departed, meaning I didn't have to worry about shipping a present across the planet. The next birthday will take considerably more planning I think!

The first day at uni was much the same as it was in Glasgow back in first year. We sat in big lecture theatres, barely knowing anyone else in the room, awaiting some help and guidance to aid us through the early days of our new adventure. It turns out there are two other people here from my course back home as well, and it's always nice to see a familiar face on that first day; new school syndrome never gets any more pleasant.

It's quite late here now, and I have an early start tomorrow, so I'm going to try and finish this off here somehow...but I'm struggling to think of an appropriate way to do it, so here are some photographs to enjoy! Until next time!


In order: the University of Sydney main building; Bondi beach from the open top bus tour; and a view looking back to the Central Business District from a suburb near Bondi.

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